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October 17________________________________________
I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.
-John 11:26(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When Christ came to save mankind
He expected us to be free and not be blind
Anyone who believes in him will never die
Even after physical death, they will still thrive.
We are not just physical but also spiritual beings
Come to Christ and you will live even after dying
The Son of God is the resurrection and the life
Believe in him for you will have eternity and insight.
A lot of people are scared of death. Death in a family brings grief to the left kin and relatives. Are you scared of dying? I have never been scared of death even as a young child. When other people ask me about death, I would always answer this: “They finally will see Jesus and have no more problems.” I saw death as life. Maybe it was because I had a relationship with Jesus as young as a seven year old girl. I am sure now that it was the Holy Spirit whispering to me in my heart that death is the end of the worldly life and the beginning of the spiritual life.
The bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in him will live even after dying. What an awesome promise to look forward to!
Lord, thank you for dying for me.
Why should you not fear physical death especially if you are a believer?
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