NOT OF THIS WORLD Poem Devotional

January 15
My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world.”
-John 18:36 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
We were created by God to live in this world
Yet we are not of this life according to his word
God’s kingdom is something we cannot see
It is a place where we are free and have peace.
Jesus’ kingdom is not one that is earthly
It has dominion over everything you can see
The kingdom of God is invisible yet powerful
You will have a taste of it if you stay faithful.
For many years, I didn’t actually know the real purpose of my existence. I was being tossed around by the systems of this world and the standards that it has set. I was a slave of performance, work and materialism. I craved for many things and worked hard at getting my desires met. I thought that was what life was all about, until the Lord called me to come back to him. It was when I became born again that I realized that even though I live in this world, it is not the destiny that my Lord have planned for me. God’s kingdom cannot be found in the world we live in.
Lord, thank you for letting me take part in your kingdom.
How can we be authentic believers in this very chaotic world?
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