JESUS GIVES LIFE Poem Devotional


June 14________________________________________
You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me. Yet you refuse to come to me to this life. – John 5:39-40 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Give your life and surrender to Jesus
He will give you wisdom in all seasons
He is the one that the Scriptures point to
He brings us life, joy, peace and truth.
Whenever you run to his word
You will know how to overcome the world
Jesus gives light to those who are confused
There will be no eternal life to those who refuse.
There are many people who live in darkness almost all their whole lives. It is sad to watch people wallow in sin and confusion when they can always have a choice for a better life. The enemy blinds those who do not believe God that is why we are always encouraged to grow our faith so that we can overcome the lies that are perpetuated by the enemy. I have trouble understanding why people would not want a better life for themselves. So many of us live in darkness and do not want to let go of something we have been so used to.
The bible says that Scriptures point only to Jesus. It is only in Christ that we can have eternal life, but so many refuse to receive this gift that he lovingly offers to all.
Lord, thank you for your Son.
Why do you think people refuse the life Jesus offers.
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