December 14
A poem by ILMA
“Listen, you leaders of Israel! You are supposed to know right from wrong
But you are the very ones who hate good and love evil
You skin my people alive and tear the flesh from their bones.
Yes, you eat my people’s flesh, strip off their skin.
Then you beg the LORD for help in times of trouble and expect him to answer?
After all the evil you have done, he won’t even look at you!”
The LORD says: “You false prophets are leading my people astray!
You promise peace for those who give you food, but not on those who don’t.
Now the night will close around you, cutting off all your visions
Darkness will cover you, putting an end to your predictions
The sun will set for you prophets, and your day will come to an end
Then you seers will be put to shame, and you fortune-tellers will be disgraced.
You leaders of Israel, You hate justice and twist all that is right
You are building Jerusalem on a foundation of murder and corruption
You rulers make decisions based on bribes, priests teach God’s laws only for a price;
you prophets won’t prophesy unless you are paid Yet you claim to depend on the LORD.
You are supposed to know right from wrong, but you are the very ones who hate good and love evil. – Micah 3:1-2
Read: Micah 3:1-11
The prophet Micah warned the leaders of Israel about the wrong and evil things they are doing and confronted them. When we are leaders, we are expected to be more responsible and set an example to the rest of the ones we were leading otherwise, we are going to corrupt those whom we lead.
• Why does the Lord expect much from those who are in leadership position?
• Why is it wrong to ask the Lord for favors when you don’t follow him?