collingwood 148

Nov 26
Be just and fair to all. Do what is right and good, for I am coming soon to rescue you and to display my righteousness among you. Blessed are all those who are careful to do this. -Isaiah 56:1(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you treat others equally as you would yourself?
Are you compassionate to the oppressed and give help?
Blessed are the just and fair, they are doing what’s right
They are following what God has required in their life.
Do what is right and good, for God will come to rescue
He wants you to have your minds and heart renewed
If you treat others fairly and with no favoritisms
You are imitating Jesus in all his conduct and mannerisms.
If only everyone would treat each other fairly, there would probably be more peace on earth. One of the reasons why people revolt is because of injustice. Because, God designed us in his own image, we are actually made out of love. When we are not treated right, our spirits sense it inside. We have the option to revolt and react but we can also respond lovingly by gently saying our right to be treated fairly. It is exercising boundary when we do this. It also helps those who are treating others unreasonably to think twice. The Lord blesses those who are just and fair to all.
Lord, remind me to treat others lovingly and justly always.
How do you think fair treatment eliminates conflicts and troubles in life?
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