May 13
A poem by ILMA
Despite having an evil father in Amon, you pleased the Lord your God
Though you were only eight years old when you were put in the throne
You never turned away from doing right and stayed humble and pure
During the 8th year of your reign you began to seek your ancestor David’s God.
On your 12th year of reign, you started to purify Judah and Jerusalem
You began destroying all pagan shrines, Asherah poles and carved idols
You ordered the demolishing of Baal’s altar and incense altars broken down
You also demanded to smash the cast images; had bones of the pagan priests burned.
When Hilkiah discovered the original scroll that Moses has written the laws of God’s
You summoned all your advisers and inquired about the words written in the scroll
The prophet Hildah, the wife of Shallum, keeper of the Temple wardrobe was consulted
She talked of God’s anger towards the people for turning to Baal and other pagan idols.
Because you were sorry and humbled yourself to God for the people’s sins
He blessed you with such glorious kingship and the best Passover festivals
No other kings can compare to your Festivals in all of the history of Israel
You were greatly blessed with bringing an end to idolatry that happened.
He pledged to obey the Lord by keeping his commands, laws and decrees with all his heart and soul. He promised to obey all the terms of the covenant that were written in the scroll. – 2 Chronicles 34:31
Read: 2 Chronicles 34
So far, from all the many readings I have encountered of Israel’s kings, I think Josiah is one of the humblest and obedient kings Israel would have had. He followed King David’s footsteps. Despite the sins of his father and ancestors, the Lord blessed him.
• Why is obedience and humility very important in being victorious and blessed in the life of a Christian?