KING OF ALL KINGS Poem Devotional

December 5
All kings will bow down before him, and all nations will serve him.-Psalm 72:11(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Is there anyone more powerful than Christ?
He is the one who can free and give you life
Jesus is sovereign over kings of all nations
They will all bow down to give him adulation.
When all kings humble themselves to praise Jesus
They will look up to him and focus to him all their gazes
King Jesus, the king of all kings will be worshiped
They will fall on their knees, bow down to his kingship.
To “bow down” is defined as to get into a prostrate position, as in submission. In Daniel 3:5-6, there was a rule of King Nebuchadnezzar that when they hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipes, and other musical instruments, they need to bow to the ground to worship his gold statue. Anyone who refuses to obey will immediately be thrown into the blazing furnace. Daniel’s friends were confronted by the king because they didn’t bow down to the idol. They were later on send to burn, the three of them, but the Lord protected them from burning so that they will all know how powerful the Lord is.
Scriptures claim that Jesus Christ is king of all kings and when the time comes, all kings will bow down to him.
Lord, I bow down to your sovereignty and give you praise.
What happens when we bow down to Jesus and declare him as our king?
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