DO YOU KNOW HIM WELL? Poem Devotional

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July 28________________________________________
Jesus replied, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and yet you still don’t know who I am? – John 14:9 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
How well do you know Jesus Christ?
Can you recall what he requires in your life?
Do you spend quality and regular time with him?
Do you pour out your heart and confess your sin?
Jesus pleads us to know his character
It helps us to overcome sin and be a victor
Even his closest friends still don’t know him well
Do you go out of your way to spread his word and tell?
There are still many Christians who don’t really know Jesus very well. Some are caught up living worldly lives and they don’t even bother to spend time with him in the word. Some live in denial of their real need for his guidance and help. Because the enemy has infiltrated most hearts of men, it takes a decision and commitment to have an intimate relationship with Christ. We all have to make an effort to purposely hunger for him and his word.
Jesus talks to Philip in the bible and questions him about how little faith he had. Christ asked Philip how well he knew him and boldly challenged him to grow his faith. He reminded him how close they have worked together and yet he never believed him enough.
Lord, give me a strong faith in you.
Relate an instance when you doubted Christ.
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