PRAY LONG Poem Devotional

October 11________________________________________
One day soon afterward, Jesus went up on a mountain to pray and he prayed to God all night. – Luke 6:12(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When we find time to pray to the Lord
We are manifesting our praise and giving Him laud
When we hunger to be intimate with Jesus Christ
We are going to long to be with him and stay in his light.
When we love someone, we don’t count the time
We want to be with that person always
When we pray long, we show that we hunger for him
Don’t put a limit to someone who can free us from sin.
It was once during my divorce that I prayed all night long. I felt led to pray until my pain was gone. Divorce was one of the worst thing anyone could ever experience It is like you yourself died. The dream to be loved and cherish, the loss of being with the person you vowed to be with forever, the brokenness and betrayal of someone who wants out from the commitment. The Holy Spirit pulled me out of the abyss of pain. He nudged me to pray all night long so I can be comforted and get closer to him. Christ championed praying incessantly. He is inviting us not to put limits to praying because that is how we can be intimate with him and grow.
Lord, let me never put limits on time when I pray to you.
Why is it hard for many of us to pray all night or all day long?

For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at

PRAY AT ALL TIMES Poem devotional

25th birthday of IR 2 047

May 14 The Power of God’s Word
One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray and he prayed to God all night. –Luke 6:12(NLT)
A poem by ILMA
Jesus always went to a quiet place
He made it a point to be with God always
Whenever he got busy with his ministry
He runs to be alone with his Father unfailingly.
Do you pray at all times to your heavenly Father?
It helps you be strong to handle worldly matters
It keeps you connected to your source of might
It helps you discern and gain insight.
The bible describes to us how often Jesus went to a quiet place like the mountain top or a garden to spend quality time with God. He didn’t want any distraction as he connects with him. When he finished healing and teaching people, he always finds a way to escape the world’s noise to be one with his heavenly father. It seems like he draws strength and power from God so he can continue working for his kingdom.
In our “busy”ness, we get so wrapped up in the things we do in this world. We become idolaters of our careers, families, friends, ministries, possessions. We fail to see that it is God who gave us all that we have.
Lord, help me to remember to pray at all times.
Why do we need to pray more when we are busy and have more challenges?