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June 19________________________________________
Jesus gave his life for our sins just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live. –Galatians 1:4 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
We live in a world full of evil
Where pain and suffering is real
Many of us are bonded to sin
But Christ has no sin in him.
Jesus gave his life to recue us
He freed us from bondage and lust
He paid a high price on the cross
Are you accepting him or staying lost?
Rescue is defined as saving someone from a distressing situation. I lived in the Philippines for 43 years and had witnessed a lot of calamities such as earthquakes, typhoons, fires, and illnesses and accidents. After being exposed to such disasters, one becomes immune to the effects of helplessness and trauma brought about by such experience. You learn to live on survivor mode almost always. When I came to Canada, it was a long time before I actually learned to relax and let go. What I didn’t realize was the aftermath of all those traumas on my whole being. It made me a very independent and self-sufficient person, never depending on anyone but myself. It made me distrustful and always watching my back. Jesus rescued us from this evil world when he died. He obeyed God’s plan to wipe all our sins and be born again.
Remind me to ask your help always, Lord.
What bondages and sin have God rescued you from?
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