GLORY TO GOD Poem Devotional

December 8
Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.
– Luke 2:14(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Glory to God who is all-knowing and Almighty
He is faithful and is able to give you victory
Praise the Lord of heavens who created everything
Only he can deliver you from bondage and all sins.
He is the source of all wisdom and righteousness
He alone can bring all his promises into fullness
When you live a holy life, he is pleased
Awesome wonder is the Lord who brings peace.
The word “glory” in Hebrew is “kabod”, which means abundance, honor and splendor. Have you ever been with someone who was full of splendor or brightness? We, humans are inclined to go up and down. We sometimes are at the top of world and just in a few moments, we could be totally under such pressure that we can’s press on. Humans are very weak and sinful and it is almost impossible to have the glory on our own effort. This is why the Lord gave grace and mercy to those who love him and obey his will. He wants us to have the same glory and power he made us with, but we can only receive that by faith and by living a holy life. He deserves all the glory because he loved us first. ________________________________________
Lord, I praise your Holy name, you are most worthy of all.
What is the reward awaiting those who bring the Lord praise?
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