NEW GEMS OF TRUTH Poem Devotional

December 4________________________________________
Every teacher of religious law who becomes a disciple in the Kingdom of Heaven is like a homeowner who brings from his storeroom new gems of truth as well as old.
– Matthew 13:52(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
You will experience a lot of changes in your life
You are promised a life that is eternal
This is God’s promise to all his followers.
A disciple is likened to a homeowner who brings new gems
The truth of God’s word are jewels that we must treasure
When you live for God, you will abound in wisdom
He reveals to you new truth and keep you in freedom.
The years that I lived as an immature Christian versus the six years that I was born again is such a big gap. Before I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I relied on human and worldly wisdom. I read all kinds of books under the sun to be intelligent and looked up to. It was very important to me to have the knowledge because it gave me power.
When I became born again, my life was changed. I was never the same. The one thing I discovered was the treasury of wealth that God’s word can give a Christian. It is sad to know that many believers stay immature and not grow as disciples because they haven’t obeyed and seek him.
Thank you Lord for the fountain of knowledge found only in your word.
How can we get spiritually rich in this life?
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