REAL TREASURES Poem Devotional

canadablooms 019-001

October 15________________________________________
Store your treasures in heaven where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. – Matthew 6:20(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What treasures do you gather in this lifetime?
Do you chase after fame, money and titles?
Are worldly treasures what you are obsessing?
What possessions do you consider never-ending?
Real treasures are those stored up in heaven
They cannot be destroyed nor can they be stolen
Sow kindness towards one another and reap rewards
All godliness we do here on earth will bring us to God________________________________________
Each person treasure something in their life. What we treasure shows others what kind of character we have. If your wealth is mostly material possessions, you might be in danger of reaping real treasures. The bible tells us that real treasures must be righteousness and godliness. These characteristic of God that he passed on to us are gems that we need to nurture and cultivate. These virtues bring us to God’s kingdom closer. They are treasures of the heart. They cannot be stolen because God keeps the key to it. He keeps a record of all the investments we have allotted in his kingdom. By following what he requires in our lives, we come closer and closer to the promises he gave to all those who love and obey him. Eternal life is the real treasure that God has given us when he gave us his son Jesus.
Lord, help me store up treasures in heaven.
What real treasures have you stored lately in God’s kingdom?
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