NARROW GATE TO LIFE Poem devotional

rayburn gravel pit sunset painting

July 11                                                                          The Power of God’s Word
The gate to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it. –Matthew 7:14 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
To those who believe in Christ
There is a narrow gate to life
Only a few ever find this entrance
God’s people are assured of deliverance.
When your life is full of barriers
Your heavenly Father will carry you further
Keep focused on him and he’ll hold your hands
Don’t be distracted; just obey his commands.
Have you been doing things that will lead to the narrow gate or have you chosen the snares by the enemy? When you hear yourself complaining and counting your bad fate, you are probably on the road to that wide gate. If you are a Christian, you wouldn’t want to choose that wide one. Instead, you want to focus on leading to that narrow path that leads to God.
The bible talks about the difference between the gate that leads to God’s kingdom and the one that leads to the enemy. It describes the gate as narrow and difficult and that only a few will ever find it. Are you one of those who found it already or are you nowhere near that gate? Remember that when you encounter trials and difficulties, you are probably near God’s narrow gate.
Lord, lead me to your narrow gate.
Why do you think the gate is narrow in God’s kingdom?