
July 17
Jesus turned around, and when he saw her he said, “Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at that moment. – Matt 9:22(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you believe in the one and only Christ
You will find contentment and bliss in this life
Faith heals depression and hopelessness
It brings positive perspective and faithfulness.
Faith can move mountains and make things possible
It is the key to making life victorious and bearable
Faith brings encouragement and hope to others
It can lead to miracles that seemed highly impossible.
Faith was a gift given to me since I was a little child. I wouldn’t have been here standing if not for my belief in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He gave me this gift so that I can withstand all the pain brought about by traumatic experiences and wrong choices and decisions. I remember my students and friends who when asked about me, would always mention that I am a woman of faith. It was faith that made it possible for me to raise my child alone. It was faith that brought me hope to see beyond what I am going through.
The bible tells us the story of the woman who had so much faith that it healed her of her ailment. To those who have this gift, miracles are not far to happen.
Lord, thank you for the gift of faith.
What was the most recent miracle you received as a result of your faith?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at

FAITH HEALS Poem Devotional

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May 12 The Power of God’s Word
“Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at that moment. –Matthew 9:22(NLT)
A poem by ILMA
Do you believe that faith can save you?
Trust completely in the Lord and he will renew
Your confidence in him will bring healing
It will lead you to freedom and rejoicing.
When you have a weakness or an illness
Be encouraged, faith will bring hopefulness
If you surrender anything to God’s power
He will bring a miracle right at that hour.
Do you realize how faith can actually save you from darkness and illnesses? I have seen actual healing happen when I went to a faith healer who got his spiritual gift of healing from the Lord. He received God’s gift to heal and he was used by the Lord so God will be glorified. Millions of people followed him and I actually saw cripples and bed ridden cancer patients literally standing up and walking as he laid his hands and prayed on them. The first thing he asks from them is if they totally believe that God will free them from their predicament. The moment they declare their faith, they were instantly healed. The bible has many faith stories that would attest to healing as an offshoot of faith. Matthew mentions the woman who instantly received healing by trusting Jesus.
Lord, help me to grow in faith.
Why is faith essential in healing?