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February 9________________________________________
Pay attention to this, Job. Stop and consider the wonderful miracles of God! Do you know how God controls the storm and causes the lighting to flash from his clouds?
Job37:14-15 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Pay attention to what surrounds you
Stop and gaze at the sky so blue
Be amazed at the nature that you behold
God considers you a gem that will soon unfold.
Isn’t it a miracle to watch your child born?
You gaze at that baby that slowly had formed
What about those flowers that slowly bloom in spring?
Be astounded by the birds that are harmoniously singing!
Miracle is defined as a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences. How often have you witnessed a miracle in your life? Many people miss so many miracles because they think they are big events. They get so used to thinking that it is a big, spectacular occurrence. Many of us forget and take for granted the nature around us. Because of our busyness, we fail to watch a flower bloom or even smell it. We forget to watch the clouds pass by against the blue skies. We scold our kids and forget that first time we laid eyes on them when they were born. We forget to thank the Lord that he always manages to make things work for our good. Watch miracles around you.
Lord, remind me to be aware of your goodness and greatness.
Share what and how many miracles did you see today?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com


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Nov 3
But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask. – John 11:22(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you believe all of God’s promises?
He loves us you so much that he gave you Jesus
Whenever things do not go how you want it to
Do you continue to trust that God will eventually do?
Sometimes we ask things don’t align with his will
He wouldn’t want us to be hurt, rejected or be ill
He knows what’s best for us so we must have faith
Confidently hope and it will greatly change your fate.
The story of Lazarus is one of the greatest miracles that Jesus did while he was on earth. Mary and Martha are both Lazarus’ sisters and they were very close to Jesus. In fact, in the account of Luke in chapter 10:38-42, we get a picture of their closeness. Martha was the one who can’t stop doing things but Mary knew how to relax and be still. She chose to give her full attention to Jesus rather than all the physical things Martha was doing.
When Jesus arrived in Bethany, Lazarus had been in his grave for four days already (John 11:17). Martha told Jesus that if he came earlier, he wouldn’t have died but she still believes that God will grant Jesus whatever he asks. Jesus acknowledged her great faith and raised Lazarus’.
Lord, let me grow my faith even when I don’t see miracles.
Why do you think God requires faith in order for miracles to happen?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com


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April 26
So the man started off to visit the Ten Towns of that region and began to proclaim the great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed at what he told them.
-Mark 5:20(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What has Christ done for you lately?
Has he saved someone from your family?
Have you been delivered from a stronghold?
Has he freed you from fear and taught you to be bold?
Proclaim what he has done and share your miracles
Tell everyone how he made you win over obstacles
Rejoice and be glad that he loves and cares for you
Praise and glorify him with thanksgiving and a life renewed.
There are many people who miss out so many things that God has done for them because they are so focused on their problems, trials and suffering. When we are pessimistic and only see the negative in our circumstances, we are actually unable to see what might be blessings in disguise in our lives. I used to be a whiny person and very critical of myself and others. A book changed my life when the concept of a “Thank You” diary was suggested. As soon as I listed the things to be thankful for, my attitude changed.
We are asked to share our miracles to others because in doing so, we proclaim God’s greatness and we are showing him gratitude.
Thank you for all the miracles you’ve done in my life.
How can you not miss out on every miracle God does in your life?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com