July 9
A poem by ILMA
Agrippa said to Paul, “You may speak in your defense.”
So Paul, started his defense by being thankful Agrippa is hearing him
As the Jewish leaders are well aware, I was trained from my earliest childhood
If they would admit it, they know that I am a Pharisee, the strictest sect of religion.
Now I am on trial because I have hope on the fulfillment of God’s promise
Your Majesty, as he continued “They accuse me for having this hope!
Why does it seem incredible to any of you that God can raise the dead?”
Then Paul continued to relate the story of his conversion from persecutor to believer.
He clearly gave a clear narrative of how when he was persecuting the believers
That he was blinded by a light and then heard a voice that he was persecuting Jesus
Then he further related how he was instructed to go to someone so he can see again
He was instructed to preach the gospel to Jews and Gentiles alike.
And so, King Agrippa, Paul said “I obeyed that vision from heaven and taught elsewhere
I teach nothing except that the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead
In this way I announced God’s light to all the Jews and Gentiles alike.”
Festus shouted, “Paul, you are insane. Too much study has made you crazy!”
And I will rescue you from both your own people and the Gentiles. Yes, I am sending you to the Gentiles to open their eyes, so they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. Then they will receive forgiveness for their sins and be given a place among God’s people, who are set apart by faith in me.’– Acts 26:17-18
Read: Acts 26
In this account, we see how Paul’s boldness continue to aggravate those who don’t understand spiritual things. They couldn’t see what Paul sees.
• Have you ever been misunderstood because of your boldness to share Christ?
• Why do you think Festus think Paul was crazy?