March 7
The Lord mocks the mockers but is gracious to the humble. – Proverbs 3:34(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
To those who put down their brothers and sisters
The Lord isn’t please how you treat others
There is no room for mockers in God’s kingdom
He won’t allow oppression to all his children.
God is gracious to the humble
He guides them so they won’t stumble
When one lives in humility
They are living in sanctity.
The problem with our world today is that it propagates selfishness and pride. We boast about our abilities, possessions, power, fame and many things and fail to recognize that we are nothing without God. We take credit for all the gifts and blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon us. We perform and show off all that we have without praising the Lord for whatever we were endowed with. Sometimes, we do it unknowingly or at times we purposely do it.
When Christ was among us during his lifetime here on earth, he set an example for us to follow. He wants us to live in humility. The fact that even though he was God, he didn’t brag about it. He always pointed back to the Father who sent him and yet, he was equal with God. He never flaunted his power and authority. He used it to give God glory. God is gracious to the humble.
Lord, give me humility so I can point to you always.
Why is it easy for us to boast about things we have?
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