May 19
A poem by ILMA
Nehemiah and was visited by his brother Hanani, from Judah
He got the news about the walls of Jerusalem being torn down
So he sat down and wept for days, mourned, fasted and prayed
He confessed to the Lord that all the Israelites have sinned against Him.
He pleaded the Lord to look down on him, praying day and night
For all the Israelites have sinned against the good Lord
He confessed that the Israelites have sinned, even his own family
He asked the Lord to hear the prayers of those who delight in Him.
He asked the Lord’s promise to Moses that if they obeyed, they can be delivered
Nehemiah requested the Lord for the king to give him favor and be kind to him
The king asked him why he looked so sad and was concerned about his troubles
And he answered that his ancestral city had been destroyed by fire.
So, the king asked how he can help and he requested to be sent to Judah
He requested the king to give him permission to rebuild his ancestors’ city
Nehemiah requested a letter for Asaph, the manager of the king’s forest
The king approved these requests because God’s gracious hand was with him.The The
The God of heaven will help us succeed. We, his servants will start rebuilding this wall. But you have no share, legal right or historic claim in Jerusalem.
-Nehemiah 2:20
Read: Nehemiah 1-2
Clearly we see how Nehemiah’s heart cried out to the Lord to grant him access to the walls of Jerusalem so he can rebuild it?
• What was bothering Nehemiah that made him go to the king for support in freeing some of his people?
• What does a repentant heart do to make him be granted what he asked for?