March 20
What counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation.
-Galatians 6:15(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What have you been trying to change in your life?
Do you realize that you can’t do anything without Christ?
Total transformation comes only by believing in Jesus
All our efforts to change will be in vain and fruitless.
Only God can transform us into a new creation
He made all things, so he can do all kinds of alterations
Put on your new nature in Christ and you will thrive
If you don’t let your old self go, you will constantly strive.
How do we change our old stinky ways? Do we do it in our own effort? Do we look for self-help books that can alter how we think and do things? I used to say yes to all these questions before I became a born again Christian. No wonder I constantly struggled. I relied on my own strength and didn’t allow God to do the transforming. As a result, I wavered back and forth to the old and new and became more frustrated and discouraged. When I re-committed my life to Jesus, he revealed to me that I needed to relinquish control to him so he can change me into the new creation he wanted me to be. That was the only time I had been freed from frustration and discouragement.
Lord, thank you for being my Lord and Savior.
Why is total surrender to the Lord essential in becoming a new creation?

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