July 22________________________________________
It is senseless to pay tuition to educate a fool since he has no heart for learning.
– Proverbs 17:16(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you try to tell a fool something
Be ready to be ignored; he is not listening
They have no heart for learning or following
They only want to satisfy their cravings.
It is futile to teach fools; they are unteachable
When you connect to them, they are unreachable
Do not waste your time or effort on them
They have no care to other people’s help.
I have been in relationships with many foolish people in the past. I myself was foolish for many decades in my life. I believed that I have all the answers if I just search hard and long for it. I mostly relied on my intelligence and resourcefulness without knowing that it was all a gift from God. It was a long process until I was able to recognize that if I do things on my own, I will always be making mistakes. When God revealed to me that I was full of pride, I began to see what role he was playing in all those booboos I made. It was senseless for others to teach me because I was so arrogant to even hear anything other people said. When I succumb to God’s guidance, things changed.
Lord, help me to always have a teachable spirit.
What do you think hinders others from learning?
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