NOTHING CAN SEPARATE poem devotional

2014 highlights 843

March 6________________________________________
And I am convinced that nothing can separate us from God’s love. Neither death, nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow- not even the power of hell can separate us from God’s love. – Romans 8:38 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you entertaining lies in your mind or heart?
Do you realize that Jesus was there from the very start?
He created you out of love because that is his character
Nothing can separate you from his love; not now or later.
Neither death nor life can disconnect you from his love
Neither fears nor worries will change the faithfulness of God
Not even the power of hell can stop him from nurturing you
He cannot cease to forgive you; he wants you constantly renewed.
Have you ever experienced being with a very persistent person? I just recently watched a movie based on a British athlete named “Eddie the Eagle” who joined the winter Olympics. He wasn’t a popular kid but he had this dream that he will join the Olympics. Everyone was telling him he didn’t have a chance because he wasn’t cut out for it. But with diligence and practice, he practiced and later on finally God granted him his dream.
Faithfulness is very important in relationships. It’s what keep us together. It protects us from separating from each other. God’s love is unfailing.
Lord, show me how to be faithful to you.
Have you ever felt separated from God? What do you think blocked your relationship with him?
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