port elgin camping 2012 215

August 16________________________________________
But the people grew impatient with the long journey and they began to speak against God and Moses. –Numbers 21:4-5(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
If you lose your cool when you don’t get things right away
There is a danger to grumble wanting things your way
When you think that you shouldn’t wait on anyone
The sin of impatience opens up the door to the evil one.
Each time you succumb to impatience
There are more sins to face, so be patient
When you react negatively to waiting
It will lead you to react and much grumbling.
My father didn’t like waiting on anyone. The ironic thing is that my mother is not a very punctual person. Maybe God put them together to learn something from each other. I guess my impatience was handed down to me by my father but was reinforced in my life when I lived with a very impatient and angry man. I literally walked on eggshells when I lived with this person because he exploded each time someone kept him waiting. He is a punctual man and he expects no less from others. Each time someone desecrates his punctuality, he would go on a rage fit and as a result, lost many job offers and friends because of his explosions. The bible tells us clearly that impatience led the Israelites to grumble and speak against God and Moses.
Lord, deliver me from impatience.
How can one develop the virtue of patience?
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