ON BEING LAZY Poem Devotional

barrie visit 2011 412

July 8
Lazy people take food in their hand but don’t even lift it to their mouth.
-Proverbs 26:15(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Whenever you choose not to do anything
You will most likely miss your blessings
Lazy people do not take time to work
They are used to being without effort.
Sluggishness brings poverty
Diligence makes a person wealthy
Those who are lazy thinks they’re entitled
They’ll drag you to their lives that are very limited.
If you talk to a successful and wealthy person, you will probably hear their testimony that surely includes hard work and diligence. I saw a video of a motivational speaker that most successful people wake up early, exercise and dream big. They have a vision and focus on realizing these dreams. They didn’t get where they are now by being lazy. They exert effort to make their dreams come true. I was asked by someone lately how I am able to be so prolific in painting, photography and writing. I showed him my vision board. I told him that without a vision, you won’t know where you are going. The biggest part of my bounty in terms of gifts is because I make it part of my daily life. Practice makes perfect. Even during the days that I don’t feel like painting or writing, I still choose to do it, then it becomes second nature and effortless. Discipline is battling laziness.
Lord, thank you for giving me choices to do what’s good for me.
What do you think is the source of laziness?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com