OPEN MY EYES LORD! Poem Devotional

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October 25
Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions. -Psalm 119:18(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When I am feeling down and discouraged
Open my eyes Lord so I can have courage
When days are bleak and I am tested
Open my eyes so I will not be tempted
When my enemies put me down
Open my eyes to receive your crown
When I don’t see what you are doing
Open my eyes so I won’t stop believing.
It is sad to see so many believers whose eyes are not really open to the truth in Scriptures. Many Christians are trapped in religion and probably only a few really have an intimate and personal relationship with Christ. God has given us the bible so we can feed on it. It is our spiritual food but many believers do not partake of this food that nourishes our whole being especially our spirits. Some believers do not even realize that they are blinded by the world. James was very specific in his book that we shouldn’t only be hearers of the word of God, we should also be doers (James 1:22), otherwise, we are only fooling ourselves if we don’t walk our talk. Have the humility to ask God to open your eyes to things that you are blind to. He will give you wisdom if you do.
Lord, bring me light when I am in the dark.
Why is the act of asking God for wisdom one of the best gesture a Christian can do?
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