BE INTO OTHERS Poem Devotional

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April 25
Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too. -Philippians 2:3-4(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you overwhelmed with all your own interests?
Do you pay attention to others’ concern and happiness?
Don’t be selfish and try to boast only about your prowess
Take interest in others and don’t think only of your own progress.
Take time to know other people’s well being and diversions
Go also out of your way to know and discover their tribulations
Don’t look out only for yourself and your own family
Reach out to those who are in your church and your community.
Do you take time out to know someone? The reason why I left the religious sect I use to attend was because I can’t find anyone in this church to really take interest in others. Each time I find an opportunity to connect and get close to them outside of the Sunday service, they wouldn’t even accept the invitation to fellowship or get to know others. They were all just too concerned with church activities.
The bible tells us to go out of our way to take interest in others. We need not be all concerned with church activities, but we need to personally reach out to others.
Teach me to reach out to others and not just focus on myself.
Why does God want us to be concerned with others?
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