June 30
A poem by ILMA
Paul went by land to Assos, where he had arranged others to join him
The believers sailed with Paul and traveled by ship to Mitylene
The next day they sailed to the island of Kios to Samos to Miletus
Paul decided to sail on past Ephesus and didn’t want to stay in Asia.
Paul was rushing to get to Jerusalem for it was almost Pentecost Festival
When he landed at Miletus, he sent a message to the elders at Ephesus
He asked them to come and meet him and started telling them of his work
He reminded them doing the Lord’s work humbly and with many tears.
Paul said that he has one message for Jews and Greeks alike
The message is that they must repent from sin and turn to God
He told them that he is bound by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem
Paul emphasizes to them that he will finish the work assigned by Christ.
He reminds them to guard themselves and feed God’s people
He mentioned how he is not scared to die for he has done his work
He finished speaking and prayed with them and bid them goodbye
They were sad most of all then they escorted him down to the ship.
They all cried as they embraced and kissed him good-bye. – Acts 20:37
Read: Acts 20:13-38
When Paul was about to proceed to Jerusalem, he met up with all the Ephesian elders. We can witness how the Spirit of the Lord has used Paul to bring the Good News to the Ephesians and how these elders and leaders looked up to him who followed the call of the Lord to spread the Good News. It was a heart-warming farewell as Paul reminded them of all the things he has done for the Lord and pleaded them to continue the work he has started as he goes to Jerusalem.
• Why do you think the elders treasured Paul’s ministry in Ephesus?
• Why was Paul’s farewell to the Ephesian leaders significant in his journey?