July 14________________________________________
Better a dry crust eaten in peace than a house filled with feasting and conflict.
– Proverbs 17:1(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
It is always good to be peaceful
Whether you are empty or full
Better a dry crust eaten in peace
Than luxurious food but in conflict.
We are commanded to live in harmony
It brings us closer to victory
It is better to be simply peaceful
Rather than stay anxious and fretful.
According to Strong’s definition of “peace”, when we hear the word peace, which this word is usually translated as, we usually associate this to mean an absence of war or strife. However, the Hebrew word shalom has a very different meaning. The verb form of the root word is shalam and is usually used in the context of making restitution. When a person has caused another to become deficient in some way, such as a loss of livestock, it is the responsibility of the person who created the deficiency to restore what has been taken, lost or stolen. The verb shalam literally means to make whole or complete. The noun shalom has the more literal meaning of being in a state of wholeness, or being without deficiency.
The bible tells us that we ought to pursue peace and embrace it at all cost. It tells us in Proverbs that it is better to live in peace with the simple things rather than have luxury but in conflict.
Lord, help me to never engage in conflicts.
How can we live simply in peace all the time?
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