juanita's unedited 047

June 25________________________________________
Fear not, you will no longer live in shame. Don’t be afraid, there is no more disgrace for you. For your creator will be your husband. – Isaiah 54:4,5 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you are rejected and abandoned
Fear not, you will be free and ransomed
Don’t be afraid and live no longer in shame
There is no need to continue the blame.
As soon as you believe in Jesus Christ
He takes the role of your husband for life
There is no more disgrace and shame
He wipes it all out with his blood and his name.
When my son was born, I decided to offer my life to Jesus. Since I was a single parent, I needed someone to help me raise my son. I didn’t have time to ponder on looking for another partner because the father of my child didn’t turn out to be a kind and loving man. Something inside me chose God to be my husband. He was perfect, he was never going to hurt me or abandon me. So, I made a vow to him that I will faithfully cling to him especially so I can raise my son with the right guidance. I went to commune with him intimately and regularly. I involved my son to do so with prayers, worship and reading the word three times daily. The bible says that God took the role of husband to those who come to him.
Lord, let me submit to you always.
How has God manifested himself in your life as a husband?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at