February 8
Finally, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things again is no trouble for me, and it is a safeguard for you.2 Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision; 3 for we are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and take pride in Christ Jesus, and put no confidence in the flesh, – Philippians 3:1-3
In these passages, Paul tells us to embrace a spirit of rejoicing. When we focus on the Lord, we will be amazed and awed by what he provides for us and what protection he cloaks us with. But the Lord also warns us through Paul to be vigilant and watchful for evil that surrounds us in this world that we live in. Paul takes the responsibility to constantly remind the Philippians of how they can safeguard their new creation in Christ. There are some things he particularly calls our attention to such as:
*Beware of the dogs – in a commentary by David Guzik, “dogs” is exactly the term of contempt Jews would use against Gentiles. Paul said a lot by using this word against these Jewish-influenced legalists.
*Beware of the evil workers – the Jews thought they were good workers who obeyed the law strictly, thinking that God approved them, but Paul calls them evil because they deny that salvation is a gift from God, and they turn people away from God.
*Beware of false circumcision – the Jews were proud of their physical sign of circumcision (a covenant with God that went back to Abraham’s time (Genessis17:10) Paul used two Greek words very like each other. Instead of ‘cutting round’ (circumcision), they were ‘cutting to pieces’ (concision). The law forbade Jews to make cuts on the body (Leviticus 21:5). What God required was a ‘circumcision’ of the heart. God does not require people to trust in laws and ceremonies, as the Jews did. He requires a humble trust in his mercy. Paul said that the Jews were causing injury to the true faith. It was as if they were cutting it to pieces.
In verse 3, Paul emphasizes the true circumcision as the true believer who worships God in Sprit who only boasts about truth and the things of the Spirit; someone who never entertains their flesh cravings or depend on their strength to earn their salvation, just like the Jews did. Paul didn’t want the Philippians to be religious, but have relationship with their one and only God.
• Why can’t evil people rejoice in the Lord? What disqualifies them from rejoicing?