PLEA FOR HEALING Poem Devotional

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November 8________________________________________
Have compassion on me, Lord, for I am weak. Heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony. I am sick at heart. –Psalm 6:2-3(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Oh Lord, my God, have compassion on me
Heal my soul that I may have victory over sin
The enemy has stolen my peace and joy
Will you grant me restoration so I can rejoice?
I plead for your forgiveness and mercy
Let me not be overwhelmed in the valley
Soak me in your blood so my soul can be free
Have pity on the weak and those who cannot see.
Many painful and traumatic events in my life have scarred me deeply but God is so faithful and merciful that he has pulled me out of the rubbles in this world. It doesn’t exempt me from still having troubles and challenges in my life. I am being healed continually by the Lord. It is a process and he is walking me through it by giving me people and who underwent much more pain than I could ever experience. It is amazing to see the miracles God has done to those sinners who have done crimes that no one could ever imagine. How he used these people considered trash by society to proclaim his glory is beyond me.
The bible says that the Lord has compassion and will heal all our illnesses and weaknesses.
Lord, heal my soul that has been affected by my past sins.
Why is it important that we ask God to heal our souls from past sins?
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