burks falls 2014,barrie,erin, stanley hoop 145

April 21                                                                                    The Power of God’s Word

Anything I wanted, I would take. I denied myself no pleasure. I even find great pleasure in hard work, a reward for all my labors.     –Ecclesiastes 2:10 (NLT)     


A poem by ILMA

What pleasures do you constantly chase?

Do you run after your own cravings or follow what God says?

Are you relentless in the pursuit of your aspirations?

Do you reward yourself instantly or do you delay gratification?

Seeking pleasure is futile and pointless

It defies your purpose in life which is to be selfless

All pleasures want to satisfy the self

It aims only to serve one’s own flesh.

King Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes late in his life when he had chased almost every worldly pursuit imaginable. Later on, he realized that everything is meaningless unless we fear and worship God and obey his commands.  It reminds me so much of my life when I pursued goals, ambitions, achievements just so I can be proud of myself. I rewarded myself for working very hard. I boasted of every little progress I made.  I took pleasure in rewarding myself for all the hard work I put into it.

King Solomon warned us in Ecclesiastes 2:10 that we must be careful not to be consumed by worldly pleasures and be in constant pursuit of gaining it.


Lord, protect me from selfishness and greed.


Do you think seeking pleasures is a form of idolatry? Why or why not?