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October 3                                                                          The Power of God’s Word
He is sent by God. He speaks God’s words, for God gives him the spirit without limit. – John 3:34 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When Jesus was with us, he spoke only of God’s word
That is how Christ won and conquered the world
He was sent by God to save mankind from sin
He sacrificed his one and only Son for us to be redeemed.
God grants us his spirit without limit if we allow it
If we cooperate with Him, we will enjoy all his gifts
As we speak God’s word, we allow the Spirit to thrive
The hungrier we are for his word, the more we will enjoy life.
Have you ever experienced an encounter with God’s spirit? I used to have a very soft voice at once point in my life. I was supposed to sing for a mass and didn’t have to use a microphone. I had to fill the church with my voice. I prayed that I will be filled by the Holy Spirit and be used to let the congregation hear my voice.
To my amazement and to others who knew me, my voice filled the church.
The bible says that when we speak of God’s word, God will give us the spirit without limit. The spirit will use us to glorify God.
Lord, help me to welcome your spirit always.
Why is speaking God’s word essential to Christians?


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July 23                                                                                 The Power of God’s Word
Keep me from lying to myself; give me the privilege of knowing your instructions. I will pursue your commands, for you expand my understanding.
–Psalm 119:29, 32(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you know the lies the enemy plants in your head and heart?
Do you catch yourself from believing these lies that draw you apart?
The only way to be free from lies is by knowing God’s instructions
God’s word and commands debunk these lies and brings salvation.
The Word expands your understanding and guides you to do the right thing
It removes conflicts inside you and brings peace and freedom from lying
Pursue his commands so you will be protected from deception
This way, you will be able to detect the enemy’s ploy from its conception.
It is easier to see external conflicts because they are outside of the self. Inner conflicts can be trickier. The enemy attacks us especially when we are stressed out, tired and out of balance. Wholeness is important to keep us free from lies. it is very important for us to stay healthy and study God’s word. The bible tells us to pursue God’s commands so we will have understanding and be able to discern the lies that the enemy plants in our heads and hearts. It protects us from lies.
Lord, keep me in your truth.
How can studying God’s word free us from lies?