PAUL’S ARREST Poem Devotional

July 3
A poem by ILMA
The whole city was rocked by the accusations to Paul and a riot ensued
Paul was grabbed and dragged out of the Temple and gates closed
As they were trying to kill him, word reached the commander
The Roman commander of the regimen heard of the uproar.
He immediately called out his soldiers and officers and ran the crowd
When the mob saw the commander and the troops, they stopped beating Paul
Then the commander arrested Paul and ordered him bound in chains
He asked the crowd who he was and what he has done.
Since he couldn’t find out the truth in all the uproar the confusion
He ordered Paul to be taken to the fortress but the mob was so violent
The soldiers had to lift him to their soldiers to protect him
The crowd followed behind, shouting “Kill him, kill him!”
As Paul was about to be taken inside, he asked to commander for a word with him
The commander asked if he was the Egyptian who led a rebellion
Paul replied “I am a Jew and a citizen of Tarsus in Cilicia
He asked the commander to talk to the people and he agreed.
As Paul reached the stairs, the mob grew so violent the soldiers had to lift him to their shoulders to protect him. – Acts21:35
Read: Acts 21:30-38
The reaction of the crowd to Paul was so unthinkable. For someone who has done nothing wrong but to follow the Holy Spirit, it is evident how corrupt Jerusalem has become. They needed someone to blame and condemn and just like they did to Jesus, they are actually repeating it on Paul
• Why do you think the crowd was so violently and vehemently adamant to kill and persecute Paul? What ticked them off?


July 2
A poem by ILMA
Some believers from Caesarea packed their things and left for Jerusalem
They went to the home of Mnason, who is from Cyprus and one of the early believers
When they arrived, the brothers and sisters welcomed them warmly
The next day, Paul met with James and all the church elders were present.
After greeting them, Paul gave a detailed account of what they’ve accomplished
He reminded them that God’s Spirit was constantly with them as they preached
The leaders confronted Paul telling him that in Jerusalem they heard his teaching
That Paul was making the Jewish custom of circumcision removed from their practice.
They instructed Paul to go with four men who have completed their vow
They should ritually shave their heads and go through purification
Paul went to the Temple the next day with the four men
He announced publicly the date when their vows would end.
The seven days were almost ended when some Jews from Asia roused a mob
They grabbed Paul and started yelling “This is the man who preaches against the law.”
The whole city was rocked by these accusations and a great riot followed.
The Roman regiment came to stop the uproar and the crowds beating on Paul.
The whole city was rocked by these accusations and a great riot followed. Paul was grabbed and dragged out of the Temple and immediately the gates were closed behind him. – Acts 21:30
Read: Acts 21:15-32
This story of Paul arriving at Jerusalem and being questioned by the elders about him dissolving the law concerning circumcision almost reminds me of Jesus’ trial. They were both publicly questioned and because of people’s bondage to the law, they wanted to kill Paul, just like they did with Jesus as well.
• Why do people get into legalism? Why do you think Paul was persecuted like Jesus?


July 1
A poem by ILMA
After saying farewell to the Ephesian elders, Paul sailed to island of Cos
The next day they reached Rhodes and then headed to Patara
They boarded a ship headed to Phoenicia and landed in Tyre in Syria
The ship unloaded its cargo and they went ashore and found local believers.
Paul and the rest stayed with the believers and they told him a prophecy
They prophesied through the Holy Spirit that he shouldn’t go to Jerusalem
When they returned to the ship at the end of the week, everyone left
They came down to the shore with the apostles, prayed and bid them goodbye.
The next stop after leaving Tyre was Ptolemais, where they stayed a day
The next day they went to Caesarea and stayed at Philip the Evangelist
Philip had four unmarried daughters who had the gift of prophecy
Several days later, Agabus who had the same prophecy begged Paul to stay.
Paul reminded all the believers that there is no need for weeping
He said that they are breaking his heart for he is ready for anything
He is willing not only to be jailed but also to die for the Lord’s sake
When Paul couldn’t be convinced, they let the Lord’s will be done.
I am ready not only to be jailed at Jerusalem but even to die for the sake of the Lord Jesus. – Acts 21:13
Read: Acts 21:1-13
There is no one who can surpass the passion and faithfulness that Paul had to bring the Good News to both Jews and Gentiles alike. He was willing risk everything to continue his journey to Jerusalem even to be a prisoner or to die for Jesus.
• Will you be willing to take all the risk even your own life for the sake of Jesus?
• Why do you think Paul was unstoppable to go to Jerusalem despite knowing all the danger and risks?


June 30
A poem by ILMA
Paul went by land to Assos, where he had arranged others to join him
The believers sailed with Paul and traveled by ship to Mitylene
The next day they sailed to the island of Kios to Samos to Miletus
Paul decided to sail on past Ephesus and didn’t want to stay in Asia.
Paul was rushing to get to Jerusalem for it was almost Pentecost Festival
When he landed at Miletus, he sent a message to the elders at Ephesus
He asked them to come and meet him and started telling them of his work
He reminded them doing the Lord’s work humbly and with many tears.
Paul said that he has one message for Jews and Greeks alike
The message is that they must repent from sin and turn to God
He told them that he is bound by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem
Paul emphasizes to them that he will finish the work assigned by Christ.
He reminds them to guard themselves and feed God’s people
He mentioned how he is not scared to die for he has done his work
He finished speaking and prayed with them and bid them goodbye
They were sad most of all then they escorted him down to the ship.
They all cried as they embraced and kissed him good-bye. – Acts 20:37
Read: Acts 20:13-38
When Paul was about to proceed to Jerusalem, he met up with all the Ephesian elders. We can witness how the Spirit of the Lord has used Paul to bring the Good News to the Ephesians and how these elders and leaders looked up to him who followed the call of the Lord to spread the Good News. It was a heart-warming farewell as Paul reminded them of all the things he has done for the Lord and pleaded them to continue the work he has started as he goes to Jerusalem.
• Why do you think the elders treasured Paul’s ministry in Ephesus?
• Why was Paul’s farewell to the Ephesian leaders significant in his journey?

RIOT IN EPHESUS Poem Devotional

June 28
A poem by ILMA
When the story of Paul’s miracles and casting out demons spread in Ephesus
A solemn fear descended on the city and Jesus’ name was greatly honored
Many who became believers confessed their sinful practices
A number of them who was doing sorcery burned their books in public.
Afterward Paul felt compelled by the Spirit to go over to Macedonia and Achaia
Then he decided to go to Rome and sent Timothy and Erastus to Macedonia
About that time serious trouble developed in Ephesus concerning the Way
It began with Demetrius the silversmith who made shrines of goddess Artemis.
Demetrius kept many craftsmen busy and he called them together
He told them that wealth comes from this business of doing shrines
He told many that Paul convinced people that their handmade gods are fake
He also convinced that the goddess Artemis will be robbed of her prestige.
The Ephesians were angered and started to declare how great Artemis is
Everyone rushed to the amphitheatre and dragged Paul’s companions
Paul wanted to go in too but the believers warned him how dangerous it is
Some friends of Paul sent him a message begging him not to risk his life.
Paul wanted to go in too, but the believers wouldn’t let him. – Acts 19:30
Read: Acts 19
When Paul reached Ephesus, the Holy Spirit was with him so he was able to do a lot of miracles. Because Ephesus was a city of idols and the Ephesians worship Artemis as their goddess, there were shrines everywhere in the city. Paul preaching about the Good News have stirred so much opposition in the people of Ephesus and threatened to kill Paul and his followers. Paul wasn’t scared of anything but the other believers warned him.
• Has God given you courage amidst opposition and antagonism to preach the Good News?

PAUL IN EPHESUS Poem Devotional

June 27
A poem by ILMA
While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul traveled until he reached Ephesus
He found several believers and asked if they received the Holy Spirit
And they said that they haven’t heard who is this person he is mentioning
He also asked the people what kind of baptism they have experienced.
They told Paul that they have received John’s baptism
He reminded them that John talked about the baptism of Jesus
As soon as the people heard it, they were baptized in his name
The Holy Spirit came upon them when Paul laid his hands on them.
Then Paul went to the synagogue and preached boldly for the next months
He argued persuasively about the kingdom of God but some were stubborn
They rejected his message publicly speaking against the Way
Paul left the synagogue and took the believers with him.
He held the daily discussions at the lecture hall of Tyrannus for the next two years
The people throughout the province of Asia both Greeks and Jews heard the truth
God gave Paul the power to perform unusual miracle even with objects he touched
Some Jews tried to do what Paul did, but was attacked by the evil spirits themselves.
But one time when they tried it, the evil spirit replied, “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?” – Acts 19:15
Read: Acts 19
Ephesus was considered the second largest populated area of the Roman Empire. In the first century B.C. the city had a population of more than 250,000, making Ephesus the second largest city in the known world. It was famous for possessing a Temple dedicated to a pagan goddess named Diana. Wasn’t it amazing to know that Paul did many unusual miracles in a city where they were idolizing other gods? Many people became believers.
• Why do you think God used Paul to do unusual miracles in a city where much idolatry and unbelief prevailed?

PAUL IN CORINTH Poem Devotional

June 26
A poem by ILMA
When Paul left Athens and went to Corinth, he met a Jew named Aquila
He was born in Pontus and had recently arrived with his wife Priscilla
They had left Italy when Claudius Caesar deported all Jews from Rome
Paul lived and worked with them for they were tentmakers just as he was.
Each Sabbath, Paul went to the synagogue to convince both Jews and Greeks
After Silas and Timothy came, all his time was spent preaching the word
Paul taught and testified to the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah
But when they opposed and insulted him, he shook the dust off.
Then he left and went to the home of Titius Justus who was a Gentile
He worshiped God and lived next door to the synagogue
Crispus, the synagogue leader and all his household were believers
Many others in Corinth who heard Paul also became followers.
One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him
“Don’t be afraid. Speak out. Don’t be silent For I am with you
No one will harm you, many people in the city belong to me.”
Paul stayed there for the next year and a half teaching God’s word.
Don’t be afraid. Speak out. Don’t be silent. For I am with you and no one will attack and harm you. – Acts 18:9-10
Read: Acts 18
In this part of Paul’s journey, he was assured by God that he didn’t have to fear any resistance or opposition. His Spirit was always with him and Paul was comforted about the believers in that place. Because of such confirmation from the Lord himself, he stayed in that place for a year and a half, preaching the word of God with much confidence.
• Have you ever had such positive reassurance when God gives you a new assignment in your life?


June 25
A poem by ILMA
While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was troubled by the idols around
He went to the synagogue to reason with the Jews and the God-fearing Gentiles
Paul relentlessly spoke daily to whoever was present in the public square
He had a debate with some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers.
When Paul told them about Jesus and his resurrection, they questioned him
They asked him to tell them about this new teaching as they are into latest ideas
Paul addressed and spoke to them their religiosity displayed in their many shrines
“One of the altar’s inscription said ‘To an Unknown God’. This is my God.
Paul continues “He is the God who made the world and everything in it
Since he is Lord of heaven and earth, he doesn’t live in man-made temples
Human hands can’t serve his needs-for he has nothing of those needs
He himself gives life and breath to everything and satisfies every need.”
When they heard Paul about the resurrection, some laughed in contempt
Others said, “We want to hear more about this later,” and some became believers
Among those who joined Paul and became believers were Dionysius, from the council
Another woman named Damaris and others with her also became believers.
His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him-though he is not far from any one of us. – Acts 17:27
Read: Acts 17
In this account, we witness Paul’s boldness to address idolatry in Athens. He wasn’t intimidated by the people who laughed at his preaching when he talked about the resurrection of Jesus. He continued to make Jesus and the God he loves to be known to these people who was all so full of themselves.
• Can you be bold enough when people resist the truth that you are presenting to them?


June 24
A poem by ILMA
Paul and Silas then travelled through towns and came to Tessalonica
As was Paul’s custom, he went to the synagogue three Sabbaths in a row
Paul used the Scriptures to reason with the people and explained prophecies
The apostle proved that the Messiah must suffer and rise from the dead.
Some of the Jews who listened were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas
The God-fearing Greek men and quite a few prominent women joined as well
Some of the Jews were jealous so they asked some troublemakers to form a mob
They started a riot and attacked the home of Jason, looking for them there.
Not finding Paul and Silas there, they dragged out Jason and some believers
Jason was brought before the city council and told the crowd he caused trouble
They convinced the people that Jason allowed Paul and Silas in his home
They accused Jason of treason against Caesar because he was loyal to Jesus.
The people of the city as well as the city council were thrown into turnoil
So the officials forced Jason and the other believers to post bond and was released
That night, the believers sent Paul and Silas to Berea and went to the synagogue
The people of Berea were more open-minded and they listened to the teachings.
As was Paul’s custom, he went to the synagogue for the service and for three Sabbaths in a row, he used the Scriptures to reason with the people. – Acts 17:2
Read: Acts 17
When the apostles came to Thessalonica, Paul and Silas met much resistance from the people in the Jewish synagogue but they used Scriptures to reason with the people. Out of envy, some of the Jews plotted to shoo the apostles away.
• Why is it hard for people to accept the Good News?
• What do you do to convince someone of your belief as a Christian?
• How can envy and jealousy hinder us from knowing the truth?


June 23
A poem by ILMA
One day Paul and Silas were going down to the place of prayer
They met a slave girl who had a spirit that made her tell the future
She earned a lot of money for her masters by doing fortune telling
She shouted to the crowd “These men of God will tell you how to be saved.”
This went on for days until Paul got so annoyed and turned to the demon in her
“I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her” was Paul’s words
And then it left her but her masters were angry and dragged the apostles and said
“The whole city is in an uproar because of these Jews!”, they shouted to the officials.
A mob quickly formed against Paul and Silas and they were beaten and imprisoned
The jailer was ordered to make sure they didn’t escape and their feet were clamped
The prisoners heard Paul and Silas praying and singing hymns to God about midnight
Suddenly, a massive earthquake shook the prison to its foundations and doors opened.
Chains of every prisoner fell off and the jailer woke up to see prison doors wide open
He assumed the prisoners had escaped, so he drew his sword to kill himself
Paul stopped him and reassured the jailer that they were all there and he was shocked
He fell down before Paul and asked the apostles what he needed to do to be saved.
What must I do to be saved? – Acts 16:30
Read: Paul and Silas had been doing miracles while they preached the Good News of our salvation. It is amazing to hear them confront demons and they run away from them because of the presence of God’s Spirit in them. Those prisoners who witnessed God’s power in opening the prison doors and unchaining them must have turned them to God.
• What does it take for us to be able to bring people to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?
• Why was the fortune teller servant girl’s master angered when the girl’s demon was sent out of the girl?