POOR BUT RICH Poem Devotional

auries 2012 visit 158

June 16                                                                            The Power of God’s Word
Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing and yet we have everything.
–2 Corinthians 6:10 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Be glad when you are in pain, for you are chosen
You are promised a place in God’s kingdom in heaven
Your heartaches here on earth are temporary
Joy will replace that pain on the contrary.
You are poor and yet rich in spirit
Share openly what you have and give it
Be a blessing to others and you will be blessed
The Father gives to those who follow what he says.
The world’s connotation of poor and rich are so different from God’s perspective. Society puts premium on material wealth, power, fame, outward beauty, intelligence and human skills or talents to be considered as rich. It is very different in God’s economy. He considers those who are pure in heart, mind and soul as those who are rich. Those who are undergoing so much pain in life and have lost their way are the poor in spirit. God sent Jesus, to save those who are hurting and lost. The bible tells us that those in pain and are poor must not stop giving spiritual riches to others. Even if they own nothing, they have God’s spirit.
Lord, keep me joyful despite hardships.
Why are we supposed to bless others?