October 18
I will also praise You with a harp,
Even Your truth, O my God;
To You I will sing praises with the lyre,
O Holy One of Israel.
23 My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to You;
And my soul, which You have redeemed.
24 My tongue also will utter Your righteousness all day long;
For they are ashamed, for they are humiliated who seek my hurt.- Psalm 71:22-24
In this psalm, David praises the Lord with his harp. According to an internet article entitled “King David and Music” -mouthing the words of a song often brings to mind the melody that accompanies them. The Bible contains the lyrics of numerous songs, the music of which regrettably remains unknown. It must have been beautiful, even sublime. The poetic loftiness of the book of Psalms suggests that the music that accompanied them was of equally great beauty.
As far as the instruments are concerned, the Bible describes them only briefly. Even what type of harp David used is not known for certain. It is noteworthy, nonetheless, that the Israelites invented several instruments, such as rare and precious wooden harps.—2 Chronicles 9:11; Amos 6:5. One thing is sure, however. Music occupied an important place in the life of the Hebrews, especially in their worship of God. Music was performed at coronations, it was used in religious ceremonies, and it played a part in warfare. It also enchanted the royal court, enlivened weddings and family gatherings, and provided atmosphere during the festivals of the grape and grain harvests. Sadly, music was also associated with places of ill repute. Finally, when death struck, music consoled the survivors in their grief. In Israel, music played yet other roles. It was known to elevate the mind and make prophets spiritually receptive. It was at the sound of a stringed instrument that Elisha found divine inspiration. (2 Kings 3:15)
It is sad that we don’t use music anymore to praise God and give Him glory. Even some Christian denominations have used music to glorify their talents instead of praising God and worshipping Him. David used his lips to shout for joy to express his worship to God
Shouldn’t we all do this, especially those who claim themselves to be Christians?
• How can believers ensure that music is used for God’s and not man’s glory?