PRECIOUS TRUTH Poem Devotional

port elgin camping 2012 494

June 30 ________________________________________
Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within you, carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to you. 2 Timothy 1:14 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you accepted Jesus as your Savior
You were delivered from the deceiver
God’s precious truth will set you free
All lies will be exposed and will help you see
When God’s spirit lives within your heart
You have to live by the truth and guard
Keep the Spirit alive by protecting these truth
You will eventually reap a harvest of the Spirit’s fruit.
Have you ever guarded a treasure or a possession so much? I used to care for my very first guitar in my early teens. It was so precious to me that I never let anyone hold it without my permission or borrow it. I would always have a special cloth to clean it regularly. It shines so well that you could use it for a mirror. I played for the church choir using this guitar for around a decade. I made sure it was handled with care. God’s word should also be handled with care and ensured protection from this corrupted and evil world.
The bible tells us that through the Spirit’s power, we can carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to us. We must know, obey and live by these truth.
Lord, thank you for your truth.
How can you guard God’s truth?
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