January 7
I have been sent to proclaim faith to those God has chosen and to teach them to know the truth that shows them how to live godly lives. -Titus 1:1 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
All believers are expected to be proclaimers of faith
They are commissioned to spread the gospel and satiate
Living a life of obedience to God’s will make them shine
They become a beacon of light to those who have lost sight.
Let us follow the truth that will set us all free
Guard the heart so we won’t be foolish to see
The enemy wants to devour and trick us to sin
By proclamation and godly lives, we will surely win.
How many believers actually proclaim the Good News and live their lives righteous and holy? We cannot just be talkers but doers as well. When we live godly lives, it speaks louder than what we actually say. Jesus Christ, never really said much. Instead, he role modeled what it really meant to be a devoted follower. Christ didn’t judge even the sinners, he forgave and brought to them the truth.
We learn the truth by studying God’s word, maintaining a relationship with him and following his commands. One of the ways we can show our faithfulness is by proclaiming his word and living a life that is righteous and holy like Christ.
Lord, let me always bring your gospel to those you have chosen.
How can living godly lives speak much louder than words you say to others?
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