July 29________________________________________
The godly will flourish like palm trees and grow like the cedar of Lebanon.
– Psalm 92:12(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
To those who lead a life of holiness
Blessings from the Lord is boundless
In all they do, they usually flourish
God will never let them be impoverished.
Choose to live a life of conviction
It will make you avoid temptations
Like the cedar of Lebanon, they grow very tall
In all they do, God never allows them to fall.
The tallest palm trees can grow as tall as 197 feet like the Quindio wax palm. Archeological finds have shown that the date palm was commonly used in Mesopotamian society, for food and other purposes. Romans gave palm branches as a symbol of triumph to the triumphant champions of games and wars. In the Bible, the people of Jerusalem greeted a triumphant Jesus just one week before his death and resurrection, a tradition now known and celebrated as Palm Sunday the week before Easter. Palms are mentioned dozens of times in both the Bible. The cedar of Lebanon is a tall evergreen tree which has been prized for its high quality timber, oils and resins for thousands of years
No wonder the godly are likened to palm trees and cedars of Lebanon. They are going prosper and flourish because of their righteousness and be looked up because they are anchored on a strong foundation.
Lord, I am grateful that you gave me the opportunity to choose godliness.
How can we stay godly in this very corrupt world?
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