burks falls 2014,barrie,erin, stanley hoop 132

April 29                                                                         The Power of God’s Word
Deceit fills the hearts that are plotting evil; joy fills hearts that are planning peace.–Proverbs 12:20 (NLT)
A poem by ILMA
What is in your heart these days?
Does it seek God and all his ways?
Do you find joy in your daily life?
Do you choose truth and stay in the light?
Deceit fills the hearts that are plotting evil
They are prisoners of their own desires and of the devil
Joyful hearts dwell on peace and love
They constantly seek the father up above.
In a world of corruption, we can be deceived by its standards and dictates. No wonder we live in so much confusion and turmoil. It is a difficult feat to seek God amidst all the distractions and noise around us. How can we protect ourselves from all the challenges we face in our world today and stay pure for God? Sadly, many of us view this life as the meaning of our existence. Most of us believe the lie that we are made for this world and not for God.
The bible tells us that we can distinguish a heart that seeks God from a heart that seeks the world. Deceit fills the hearts that are plotting evil while joy fills the hearts of those who plan for peace. Peaceful hearts embrace love and joy.
Lord, guide me to constantly choose peace.
Is your heart joyful or full of deception?