7 The lips of the wise spread
knowledge; not so the hearts of
8 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to
the Lord,
but the prayer of
the upright is acceptable to him.
9 The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord,
but he loves
him who pursues righteousness.
10 There is severe discipline for him who forsakes
the way;
whoever hates reproof
will die.
11 Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the Lord;
how much more the
hearts of the children of man!
12 A scoffer does not like to be reproved; he will
not go to the wise.
– Proverbs 15:7-12
A poem by
ILMA inspired by these verses
How can you
hide from God who is the Maker of heaven and earth?
He sees all
things including the depths of hell and everything in the dark
No one can
fathom things like God can because he created everything
He sees the
ways of man, especially their thoughts and their intentions
He knows
every word that comes out of our mouths even before we say it
He can bring
life into anyone he chooses to and bring death to those who sin.
Verse 11
mentions Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the Lord.
No one can describe to us how hell looks like, the place assigned for
those who have not received the grace and salvation that God has offered. It is
a place of unfathomable torment and damnation. Abaddon means destruction
according to one commentary in the blue-letter bible website. In Revelation
9:11, we know that Abbadon is the Hebrew name for the king over the angel of
the bottomless pit, the devil himself.
That prince of this world, even though he thinks he can destroy or
deceive us, will not be hidden from God himself. No matter how cunning and sly he is, that
would not escape God’s omnipresence.
There is
nothing in our hearts that he doesn’t see, so why try to avoid his loving
kindness and his offer for salvation?
· Why do you think people try to hide from
others and from God himself?