STEER CLEAR OF ANGER Poem devotional

birthright convention2012 049

April 26 The Power of God’s Word
Don’t befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people, or you will learn to be like them and endanger your soul. –Proverbs 22:24-25 (NLT)
A poem by ILMA
Do you associate with angry people?
Be wary for your spiritual progress will detour.
Steer clear of anger and quarrelsome beings
Your soul will be endangered by their bickering.
Have nothing to do with anyone who thrives on conflict
They will constantly keep you on edge and rob you of peace
Resentment, arrogance and judgment are all anger’s signs
They may be calm on the outside but imploding on the inside.
If I had known what the bible says about anger in my younger days, I would have steered away from it. It took me many years to realize that I was an angry person myself. Anger was something I absorbed from my own family and from someone I lived with. It was a stronghold in my family. The two types of anger are implosions and explosions. I was both exposed to the two types. For over 3 decades I was implosive and explosive for a couple of years. I can see through an angry person easily after being one for many years. The bible tells us to steer clear from anger and angry people or you will endanger your soul.
Lord, help me to stay away from conflicts.
When does anger becomes sin? How can you avoid anger?