TIMELY ADVICE Poem Devotional

wasaga 3rd anniv picnic & beatrice 3rd visit 170

July 25
Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket. -Proverbs 25:11(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
There is only one place you can get timely advice
The bible guides you in everything so you can be wise
Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket
They are precious so cherish them and lock it.
When you need help in making choices and decisions
Timely advice will give you accurate solutions
Give the right counsel at the right time to others
You bring blessings and favors to your sisters and brothers.
There are many times when others give us advice that sometimes do not really work for us. Just like a doctor’s advice is important to a patient, we need wise advice from others too in order to live a life of joy and peace. I have consulted many counselors in my life because I know I need others t o help me be well balanced. But not all advisers or counselors give the appropriate solutions for our challenges. Sometimes, others perspectives and value system are so different from ours, that it sometimes does more damage than help. There is only one place and one person who can give us the right advice in everything, the bible and God. Timely advice is compared to golden apples in a silver basket in the bible. It is priceless.
Lord, help me to always run to you for advice rather than the world.
When was the last time you gave timely advise to others? What was the result?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com