dragonfly park and broadway 110July 26
To one who listens, valid criticism is like a gold earring or other gold jewelry.
-Proverbs 25:12(NLT)
A poem and essay by IL
To anyone who has an open mind to criticism
They end up growing and having optimism
If you listen to what God’s words say to you
You get transformed and have your mind renewed.
The upside of listening is precious like jewels
It is valuable just like any treasure
Keep on listening and you will profit from it
It is essential in order for you to hear God’s Spirit.
________________________________________Do you get offended when someone gives you a feedback on how you affect others or how your demeanor is? I always want comments from others regarding the way I act or relate with them or my attitude towards others. It is like having a mirror in front of me so I can actually see how I look.
The bible says that those who listen to valid criticism finds a treasure. It is always beneficial to have someone give you an actual and objective feedback of how you are because it can help in your growth. The most important person to listen to is the Spirit of God. You can hear his voice clearly as you read and study God’s word. It gives you detailed advice as to where you are right now and where you need to be.
Lord, give me an open heart to hear clearly your convictions.
How is listening essential in one’s growth?

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