October 24
For the Lord grants wisdom. From his mouth comes knowledge and understanding
– Proverbs 2:6(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you want to understand things in life?
Are there struggles resulting from losing insight
Run to the Lord who is the fountain of knowledge
When he reveals his wisdom, it is a privilege.
From the Lord’s mouth comes understanding
When you consult him, you will keep on winning
He is the source of all truth and wisdom
In him alone will you experience freedom.
I’ve lived many decades of my life thinking that knowledge comes from different books and experts on certain fields of studies. I read many books for many years and yet I wasn’t peaceful and joyful. I made many foolish choices which led to struggles and sufferings. It wasn’t until I got revelation from the Lord that I was getting knowledge from the world and not from him. That was the reason why I failed despite the work I put into making my goals met. It was based on the world’s imperfect knowledge. The Lord’s Spirit led me to start reading and studying his word. Then he gave me discernment to understand the meaning of his truth and how I had to apply it in my life. It’s sad to see many believers who don’t have God’s wisdom because they never ask him or seek his truth. They don’t acknowledge that he is the fountain of knowledge.
Lord, let me always consult you in every little or big thing.
What is the difference between worldly and godly wisdom?
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