barrie visit 2011 356

May 8________________________________________
Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor. – Proverbs 29:23(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When we acknowledge the source of our life
We are giving him honor and living in his light
When our heart is full of pride and haughtiness
We will end up in humiliation and become a mess.
The act of lowering yourself to your Maker
It is a manifestation of your love to your creator
Follow the example of Jesus so you can be humble
It will help you overcome temptation and not stumble.
A while back I had an experience when my pride and arrogance had me fall flat on my face. It happened about seven years ago. I was a victim of a group of people who discriminated me and openly scolded me in public and twisted my intentions. The filters of complex traumas I experienced led me to think that they were rejecting me. My suspicion became real because I lived in that fear that they would reject me. Sure enough, my fears turned into reality. An envious administrator of that group, twisted my words because she was jealous of the attention that her husband was giving on my prominence in the art world. I was bold to expose that the group was more of a social club rather than helping marriages to survive. Because of my tactless judgment, they twisted my words and humiliated me publicly.
Lord, deliver me from pride and haughtiness.
How can an act of humility change you and others?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at