Acknowledge God Poem Devotional

May 3________________________________________
Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. – Psalm 101:3(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?
Are you acknowledging his presence in your life?
We are God’s people, why are we not loyal?
He wants us to come back to him and be faithful.
Never forget who gave you everything
He wants you to turn your back to sin
He made us all in his own image and likeness
Turn to him and give up all your wickedness.
One of the many things that the enemy stole from me was my identity in Christ. He made me believe many lies that were not true. He whispered thoughts in my head that I was not worthy and that no one really loved or cared about me. I believed this lie for five decades of my life and wasted many opportunities to grow because I didn’t know that the Lord considered me as his prized possession. I was grateful that God reclaimed my ignorance and stolen identity when I became born again.
The bible tells us to recognize and acknowledge the Lord as our God. He created us all and we belong to him, like sheep in his great vast pasture. He loves and cares for each one of us and will look for even just one lost sheep.
Lord, thank you for considering me as priceless.
How often do you praise the Lord for all that he made you?
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