October 17________________________________________
My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.
– Psalm 119:71(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When I went through much suffering
I learned many ways of enduring
It wasn’t pleasant during the experience
But later on, it made me strong and resilient.
God convicted me to heed his commands
I began to learn to cope with life’s demands
I realized Jesus died a horrible death for me
My pain is no comparison to what he did.
Human tendency is to avoid pain. We want to ensure that we are comfortable and safe. When we get in trouble, the flight or fight mode kicks in so we can survive. When I was about young girl, there was an earthquake in the Philippines that killed many people in a building that collapsed. It was early morning when it happened so many people died because they were asleep when it happened. I watched on television how the victims where being pulled out from the ruins of the building. After seeing those dead people on the news, I began getting nightmares. Many years later, I still fear disasters especially earthquakes. Several painful events ensued after that disaster. Many years later, the Lord convicted me and assured me from his word that he was always with me and that he died for all those who are in pain and oppressed.
Lord, let me discern what to learn when I suffer.
How can suffering make us resilient and strong?
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