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Aug 23                                                                    The Power of God’s Word
He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.
-Psalm 121:3(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Whenever you feel alone and feeling down
Don’t worry, God is always around
He will not let you stumble
He watches always and never slumbers.
He is watching every moment of your life
He wants to make sure you are under his light
Don’t be anxious; he wants you to be happy
He gave his son so you will be free.
Whenever you are experiencing many challenges and difficulties in life, it can be overwhelming. I used to feel so down and desperate before I had a real relationship with Christ. His words had set me free from all the negativities and lies I believed since I was a child. After studying his words, my life was transformed. He changed me to be strong and overcome my weaknesses. I now know that in my weakness, he is glorified. I can never be without God.
The bible says that God will never let you stumble and fall because he constantly watches over you. He doesn’t sleep. He sees everything that happens to you even before it does. He only allows the things that you can handle to strengthen you and make you enjoy his promises. He is always after your welfare.
Lord, help me to overcome all my difficulties.
Why is it important to seek God’s help?