COME, BLESS THE LORD Poem Devotional

January 4
Come, bless the LORD, all you servants of the LORD,
who stand by night in the house of the LORD!
2 Lift up your hands to the holy place
and bless the LORD!
3 May the LORD bless you from Zion,
he who made heaven and earth! – Psalm 134
The Hebrew word “barak” means “to kneel”. However, when written in the piel form it means to “show respect” (usually translated as “bless”). In this psalm, the servants of the Lord especially those who were in night duty at the house of the Lord brings praise to the Lord. To bless the Lord means to praise or give glory to the Lord. We recognize how the psalmist invites us to bless the Lord with our hands lifted to his Holy Place.
ADORATION: Bless the Lord, O my soul. Praise you creator of all things. You created all things bright and beautiful. I will exalt you every minute and every second of my life.
CONFESSION: Forgive me Lord each time I don’t lift you up in praise and adoration. Because of selfishness and busy-ness, I forget to focus on you. Instead, I get concerned with my selfish desires and follow the call of the flesh.
THANKSGIVING: Thank you that you have made all creation for Jesus and through Him and with Him. I am forever grateful for the love you showed me when you gave your only Son Jesus, to die for my sins just so I can be free.
SUPPLICATION: I pray for all sinners like me, to learn humility from Jesus. Despite being God, he chose to be human and give up his life for all of us. Help me to decrease and let You increase. Give me courage to say “no” to self-satisfaction, self-preservation, self-protection, approval addiction and self-worship and pride.
• Why is it important for Christians to constantly bless the Lord?
• What happens when we forget to worship God on a regular basis?
• Why is vertical focus on the cross instead of the horizontal focus on life situations more beneficial for believers?
• What benefits do we reap when we bless others and praise God?